Job Vacancy For General Manager At West African Power Pool (WAPP) – Cotonou (Benin)
Job Function
The position of General Manager of the TRANSCO CLSG is a senior Executive Management position created to provide strategic leadership and managerial direction to the planning, coordination, development, operation and maintenance of the CLSG Interconnection Project. The General Manager is expected to exercise broad powers on behalf of the company, subject at all times to the powers expressly granted by the Articles of Association and subject to the resolutions and decisions of the shareholders meetings and the Board of Directors.
Scope of Work
The General Manager will have broad responsibility for the following:
• Establishment and implementation of all key structures and institutional documentation, procurement of logistics and recruitment of top level human resources of the TRANSCO CLSG to ensure that the company becomes a fully functional organizational entity;
• Provision of the leadership, management and vision necessary to ensure that the interconnection line conforms with laid out plans, requirements and specifications and close monitoring of all phases of the project - pre-construction, construction, operation and maintenance –through effective supervision of direct reports and through the institution of effective operational and financial controls, administrative and reporting procedures as well as institution of proper people management systems.
• Ensuring the quality assurance, efficiency, productivity and commercial viability of the interconnection line through effective managerial oversight, prudent financial management and efficient human resource management.
• Ensuring effective interface with key stakeholders in order to build positive and lasting relationships among them. These include funding agencies, project partners, shareholders, regulatory agencies, national and local authorities among others.
• Ensuring that all obligations of the TRANSCO CLSG under the International Project Agreement are met.
Job Summary
The detailed job description of the General Manager will include but not be limited to the following:
Leadership and Management
• Provide strong visionary, strategic and exemplary leadership in the management of the affairs of TRANSCO CLSG and in the execution of the vision of the company;
• Articulate the strategic direction of TRANSCO CLSG through the development of strategic plans for the growth of the company and implement the necessary managerial and change management strategies to drive the company towards the achievement of its goals;
• Ensure that the company has strong business and diplomatic networks at various levels of government and business and is able to work in collaboration with other corporate organizations, international agencies, governments, national authorities and a wide range of institutions in order to accomplish its objectives;
• Build a positive company image by effectively interfacing with governments, national and local authorities, regulatory agencies, the media, community and environmental organizations as well as other stakeholders;
• Establish plans, budgets, and various indicators to facilitate the measurement of results, as well as ensure the effective allocation of resources;
• Conduct periodic reviews of operational progress, making mid-course modifications and adjustments where relevant, and implement effective risk management strategies to ensure that the company remains robust at all times;
• Develop and maintain the company’s organizational culture, values and reputation within the industry and with all staff, trading partners, suppliers, regulatory bodies and other stakeholders;
• Create a culture of high performance and efficiency within the company by putting in place the relevant structures and policies and inspiring a sense of ownership among staff and other stakeholders.
• Establish the institutional structures of TRANSCO CLSG to ensure a functional entity. These include development of the company’s operating procedures and objectives, organizational policies and structure as well as refining the vision and business strategy among others, as captured in the company’s Business Plan, in consultation with the Board of Directors;
• Direct the day-to-day operation of the company and the transmission network through the senior management team and coordinate the activities of the key departments of the company to ensure effective work flow;
• Conduct a periodic review of plans such as the company business plan, work targets, goals, work schedules and progress of work as well as direct necessary changes to ensure that the mission and goals of the company are achieved;
• Establish subsidiaries, branch or field offices in various locations in the CLSG countries as would be necessary to ensure efficient work on the interconnection line;
• Ensure that all of TRANSCO CLSG’s institutional documentation including agreements are duly signed;
• Ensure that the required logistics for the effective operations of TRANSCO CLSG are procured and fully functional at all times. These include IT equipment and softwares, vehicles, communication systems, buildings and other company property.
• Ensure that proper accounts of the company are maintained in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and ensure development and compliance with organizational financial policy and statutory financial requirements;
• Ensure that summary financial statements are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards for presentation to the Board and subsequent approval at the end of each financial year;
• Ensure that a competent internationally recognized accountancy firm is appointed by the Ordinary Shareholders meeting as external auditor for TRANSCO CLSG, on the basis of terms of reference approved by the Board of Directors and an international tender process to conduct regular audits of the company’s financial reports;
• Ensure the timely preparation and submission of budgets and other financial plans, financial statements, Directors' Reports among others to the Board of Directors;
• Ensure that the tax regime implemented by the company for its staff, contractors and companies participating directly or indirectly in the construction or operation of the Interconnection Line is consistent with the provisions of the tax and custom regime for the CLSG Project annexed to the Treaty.
• Ensure that the Interconnection Line meets and complies with the description, functional requirements, specifications, norms and standards referred to in the various documents which regulate its establishment and operation;
• Ensure that the timelines for the planned phases of the construction of the interconnection line are adhered to in order to avoid delays as well as apply international quality assurance procedures to guarantee that all work carried out and equipment and materials used comply, to the maximum extent possible, with international standards and any other norms and standards that are applied by WAPP or within the industry;
• Prepare and submit the Project Development Plan to the Steering Committee for approval within 3 months following the execution of the International Project Agreement, as well as review the plan periodically to ensure that it contains up to date information. The Plan will provide an accurate outline of the design and planned phases of the construction and maintenance of the Interconnection Line among others, to facilitate effective project monitoring by the Steering Committee;
• Ensure the preparation and negotiation of transmission agreements and/or contracts with Power Providers which will include technical and economic conditions of transmission as well as facilitate trade arrangements;
• Ensure that the infrastructure is effectively maintained by conducting regular preventive and predictive maintenance comprising routine tests during periodical inspections, effective operation, control and supervision of the use of the infrastructure;
• Coordinate activities, directly and/or through delegation, required to ensure optimum safety and compliance with requirements and regulations for the technical operation of a transmission network as well as ensure the efficiency and reliability of the transmission line, in accordance with established contracts, agreements, policies and applicable regulatory laws and procedures;
• Make and/or approve major operating, business, financial, engineering and maintenance decisions, as required, to ensure that the transmission line is operated within the terms and conditions of all operations and maintenance (O&M), management, power purchase, services supply or maintenance contracts and agreements;
• Carry out all obligations and recommendations allocated to it under the Environmental and Social Management Plan either directly or through Contractors procured.
Business Management
• Ensure the financial viability of the interconnection line, taking into account the financing received as well as the SPC's cost of construction, maintenance and operation of the Interconnection Line and the estimated income stream based on the established tariff structure;
• Ensure the effective financial management of debt and investment funds, regular and effective management of financial records and financial reporting, project development planning, enforcement of national regulations and policies within the countries in which the project will be undertaken, compliance with commitments to mitigate the environmental and social impacts of the project, and acquisition of related permits and obligations among others;
• Manage costs, directly or through delegation, by effective approval of budgets and other financial plans, effective monitoring and variance reporting as well as recommendation of improvements in processes or procedures that can have an impact on costs;
• Ensure the smooth and uninterrupted operation of the CLSG Interconnection line to guarantee constant electricity transmission and delivery;
• Update the tariffs for using the Interconnection Line in accordance with the methodology outlined in the Project Business Plan to ensure that they are cost reflective and undertake a regular update at least on an annual basis;
• Make periodic presentations to the Board on various aspects of the company’s operations including progress of work on the transmission network, achievement of targets and milestones, financial position, assets and liabilities of the company and profits or losses realized among others.
Communication and Reporting
• Prepare a variety of reports periodically for submission to various committees and bodies established to monitor progress on the interconnection line. These will include updated versions of the Project Business Plan, annual reports, budgets, monitoring reports, compliance reports, technical reports, operational and financial reports among others;
• Maintain effective channels of communication and cooperation among and between TRANSCO CLSG’s stakeholders which include Shareholders, Board of Directors, funding agencies, monitoring committees and bodies and staffof the company as appropriate;
• Monitor, measure and report on operational issues, opportunities and development plans and achievements within agreed formats and timescales;
• Provide regular and prompt feedback and recommendations to the Board on issues and opportunities.
• Ensure the highest standards of ethical conduct in the discharge of the SPC’s obligations by developing, implementing, and maintaining effective and comprehensive ethics, anti-fraud, and anti-corruption rules, policies and guidelines that are consistent with international best practices and applicable guidelines of the funding partners, and can promote the proper management of TRANSCO CLSG’s affairs, as well as ensure integrity, transparency, and accountability;
• Ensure adherence to anti-corruption and ethical rules of conduct by all staff, contractors and other agents of the company by enforcing ethical business practices;
• Ensure that the procurement of Contractors to carry out works and services is undertaken in compliance with international best practices and the procurement rules and policies of the respective funding agencies whose funding will be used for the project.
Human Resource Management
• Ensure that at all times, the SPC has competent and experienced human resources to undertake its work in an efficient manner;
• Ensure that in the event where the SPC does not have at its disposal the human and material resources of sufficient quality and competency necessary for discharging its obligations, competent Contractors are procured to carry out such obligations;
• Hold ultimate responsibility for the recruitment, development, supervision, compensation, training, discipline, and termination of staff of TRANSCO CLSG by ensuring that human resource management policies and procedures are developed and consistently adhered to;
• Ensure that human resource management policies, procedures and practices adopted by the company are within the law and consistent with the provisions of the various documents which regulate the establishment and operations of the TRANSCO CLSG such as the IPA, Treaty and Business Plan among others;
• Conduct performance evaluations for direct reports and ensure that the performance of all other staff is periodically evaluated and their knowledge and skills are consistently improved to maintain optimum levels of work efficiency throughout the company;
• Provide exemplary leadership to maintain and improve employee relations and a spirit of excellence and teamwork within the company.
Qualification Required & Experience
• University degree in Electrical Engineering and a 2nd degree in Project Management, Business Administration or equivalent management related field of study;
• Minimum of fifteen (15)years increasingly responsible broad experience in the power industry, preferably managing large projects or managing transmission networks in a large company in the industry with at least ten (10) years in a similar executive position;
• Must have proven ability to manage complex engineering projects which include transmission line components, huge project finances as well as high level project staff;
• Experience in financial, accounting and human resources management, acquired in a management position in the power industry;
Expert knowledge of at least two of the following areas :
1) Power exchanges markets
2) Power transmission contracts
3) Planning and operation of power transmission networks
4) Operating rules of an interconnected electricity market
• Excellent knowledge and understanding of the electricity/power industry in particular must have a demonstrated experience in electrical energy issues in the ECOWAS sub-region;
• Excellent leadership and decision making skills;
• Proven interpersonal relationship and team building skills;
• Must have demonstrated ability to manage a complex organization through the work of others, including knowledge of management principles, ability to delegate authority and responsibility, and skilled human resource management;
• Must have a demonstrated ability to negotiate at an international level with private as well as public organizations;
• Ability to analyze and interpret data to make sound cost effective judgement;
• Excellent oral and written communication skills to effectively interface with the public, the media, government agencies, regulatory institutions and other national utilities;
• Well-developed organizational and project management skills;
• Must be fluent in English or French with a good working knowledge of the other language.
• Must be proactive, energetic, a self-starter and can work independently;
• Ability to quickly adapt and perform efficiently in a multicultural environment.
Job Location
The General Manager will be based at the Head Office of TRANSCO CLSG which may be temporarily located in Cotonou, Benin. The Head Office will however be eventually sited at a strategic location to facilitate work within the four CLSG countries. The General Manager will be expected to make regular field trips to the CLSG Interconnector project sites and field offices throughout the duration of his/her term.
Job Relationship
The General Manager will directly report to the Board of the SPC. She/He will be directly responsible for the performance of the PIU Director as well as other managerial staff of the company.
Timing & Working Conditions
The position is a full time one, on an initial contract of four (4) years, renewable by a decision of the Board of Directors.
Reporting Requirements
The General Manager will be required to provide the Board of Directors with periodic reports in accordance with guidelines to be provided by the Board.
Performance Indicators and Performance Evaluation
A detailed list of performance objectives that must be achieved during the General Manager's term of office will be outlined by the Board of Directors, in consultation with the General Manager.
Location: Cotonou (Benin)
How To Apply For The Job
Interested applicants should contact:
and send to:
Blueprint Consult Company Limited
18 MantseTackie Street,
Tema, Ghana
P.O. Box ARN 15431
Accra - North
Closing Date: 02 December, 2013