To provide expert support to the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development in the country wide roll-out of the Basic Sanitation Information System (BaSIS) in Ghana.
Duties and Responsibilities:
1) Provide administrator services for BaSIS. This will involve quality assurance services for ensuring data integrity and generation of reports to support sector decision making. Detailed activities will include:
• Monitoring of BaSIS for data availability per district and remedial action.
• Regular data quality assessments and remedial action. This will include developing quality assurance procedures for accurate data input.
• Monitoring of programme indicators and reporting
• Generation of reports for sector reviews and annual reports
2) Provide technical backstopping to M&E focal persons and MIS teams designated by the District Assemblies and Regional Offices for effective utilisation of BaSIS.This support is expected to cover the following:
• Resolution of internet connectivity challenges to enable a monthly update of the BaSIS database
• Quarterly visits to districts to offer on the job ICT training and trouble-shooting services
• Quarterly regional "clinic" sessions on BaSIS
3) Build capacity for sustaining the management of BaSIS using existing Government and private sector structures. This is expected to cover the following:
• Development of a sanitation sub-sector plan for delivering M&E services.
• Establishment of an MIS unit within the EHSD.
• Strengthening of regional M&E teams including MIS officers from CWSA for ongoing support for BaSIS
• Strengthening of district M&E teams and capacity strengthening of M&E focal persons at ail levels
• Establishment of Retainer Contracts or Long Term Agreements with the private sector for BaSIS upgrades
4) Ensure that the BaSIS database and tools are upgraded to cater for sector needs. The upgrades are expected to cover the following:
• Automation of data collection instruments through phone applications
• SMS reporting from communities, facilitators and sanitation marketing operatives
• Update of mapping component of BaSIS
• Development of BaSIS modules for district wide planning, budget monitoring, district assessments and surveys.
5) Ensure scaling up of BaSIS nationwide. Expected activities include:
• Training and field coaching support for all regions and districts implementing CLTS in the country
• Training of NGO partners involved in sanitation in the country
Qualification Required & Experience
• Degree or its equivalent in Computer Science or Information Management.
• Demonstrable knowledge and skills in Geographic Information Systems (Data and Map creation, Basic Spatial Analysis and Spatial Data Management)
• General computing knowledge (Microsoft suite: Excel, Access, Software installation and Hardware installation)
• Basic knowledge in computer pro-gramming will be an advantage
• Minimum employment experience of three (3) years
• In addition, the consultant must possess the following:
• Excellent analytical and problem solving skills with attention to detail and data accuracy
• Strong interpersonal skills and team work skills
• Ability to present and convey results of analyses to various audiences
Languages: Fluency in written and spoken English required.
Location: Accra
How To Apply For The Job
The above is a short description of the consultancy. A detailed TOR is available upon request from UNICEF. Interested candidates should send an email request to:-
hrghana@unicef.org Detailed curriculum vitae in English with duly completed UN Personal History Form (available at:
http://www.unicef.org/about/employ/files/P11.doc)), should be sent to the e-mail.
Closing Date: 04 June, 2015
Applications submitted without the 'P11 form will not be considered