Job Summary
Driver / Transportation
Job Vacancy For Drivers (5 Positions Available) At T-TEL (Kumasi, Takoradi, Hohoe, Aburi and Tamale)
Cambridge Educations is implementing Transforming Teacher Education and Learning (T-TEL), a 4-year Government of Ghana programme supported by DFID to support pre-sevice teacher education in Colleges of Education (COEs) in Ghana.
We are currently recruiting for the following position:- Drivers
Qualification Required & Experience
• This job will require frequent travel to approximately 10 colleges of education and their partner schools around the location in which you will be based. You may be required to spend nights away from your duty location.
Location: Accra
How To Apply For The Job
Interested applicants should send an application letter and curriculum vitae, contact details and two(2) references to:- /
Closing Date: 27 August, 2015