Job Vacancy For Senior Programme Manager

Responsible to:  The INDEPTH Principal Research Scientist under overall guidance of the Executive Director

Start Date: 1st August 2012 or Before
Duration: 24 months renewable
Type: International-recruited position
Station: Accra
Eligible: Open to national of all countries.
Salary and benefits: Highly competitive, dependent on relevant experience.
Deadline for applications: 15 June 2012


INDEPTH is a high-performance R&D network linking research centers based on health and sociodemographic surveillance across Africa, Asia and Oceania. A dynamic portfolio of multi-centre research responds to the complex health, population and social transitions underway. The next phase of INDEPTH development will see major growth in the intensity and depth of scientific activity.


The senior Programme Manager will play a major role providing strategic support to INDEPTH multicentre, cross-national and cross- continental initiatives, including data analysis and publications, and will work to strengthen their strategic management. Working closing with principal investigators and center / site-based scientists, s/she will head the section for the forefront of efforts to address many of the worlds critical health and development priorities.

In particular, S/he will:

. Contribute strategic support to the multi-centre research portfolio of the Network including close liaison with leadership of the INDEPTH iSHARE initiative.
. Lead scientific development of INDEPTH work plans as well as position and issue papers on INDEPTH research.
. Contribute to proposal development, prepare technical reports to funding agencies, draft annual and interim reports for Board and SAC review.
. Work with the Capacity strengthening Manager to determine the scientific capacity needs of member centers.
. Coordinate activities of the Scientific Advisory committee (SAC), manage the scientific programme of the INDEPTH annual general meetings.
. Represent the Network    regionally and internationally, and in the planning of scientific collaborations with other organizations.

Qualifications and Experience

. A PhD or equivalent in demography / population science, epidemiology, related social sciences, medical science D or other relevant field.
. Past experience coordinating large-scale demographic, epidemiological or related studies.
. Minimum of 5 years experience working in a research environment, especially in population, health and development fields.
. Experience in data management and analysis involving large sets (especially HDSS Data)
. A track record of peer-review scientific publications in international journal.


. Willingness to undertake extensive travel

Application must be sent by email only and must have the following two attachments (PDFs only).

1. Covering letter and
2. CV

Please note that the quality of both documents will be considered in the short-listing of candidates to be selected for interview. Any email application without the two documents attached will be deleted.

Please send applications to:,

For enquires please contact the Executive Director Osman Sankoh ( or the Principal Research Scientist Steve Tollman (