Job Vacancy For Curriculum Development Consultant At American Institutes for Research (AIR)

The American Institutes for Research (AIR) is a U.S. based not-for-profit institution working to improve peoples's lives and well-being through applied behavioral and social science research in education, health, workforce development and economic growth .

Description Of Job

AIR is looking to pursue numerous business opportunities in Ghana and invites applications for senior and mid-level position above.

The Curriculum Development Consultant will develop material for early grade literacy and numeracy approaches; support capacity building of relevant counterparts at MOE and relevant partnering institutions.

•  She/he will play a lead role in developing the program's early reading approach, associated teaching and learning materials and implementation plan;
•  Ensure linkages of the program's literacy and numeracy activities with other donor and ministry programs;
•  Participate in the design of continuous teacher professional development (CPD) modules and support module production; other technical assistance

Qualification Required & Experience

•  Candidates should have a minimum of Master's degree in education or a related field;
•  Minimum 8 years of professional experience related to early grade reading or literacy, including five years of relevant international or field-based experience;
•  Demonstrated capacity to develop literacy programs;
•  Experience with international donors (e.g., USAID) and reporting requirements. Knowledge of Ghanaian local languages desired

How To Apply For The Job

Applicants should send letters of interests and resumes to:-

Closing Date: 17 September, 2012