Job Vacancy For Deputy Library

Job Summary

•   The Deputy Librarian is responsible to the Librarian in the discharge of his/her duties.

Qualification Required & Experience

Candidate must have the following qualifications:

•   A higher/research degree in librarianship/Information Studies;

Either have

•   A minimum of twelve (12) years post-qualification experience in Librarianship in a University or Analogous institution.


•   A minimum of five (s) years experience as a Senior Assistant librarian in a University or Analogous Institution.
•   Have solid skills in Library related IT Infrastructure and systems.
•   Must have wide practical experience in Librarianship.

Location: Tamale

How To Apply For The Job

•   Interested candidate(s) should present three (3) copies of their applications together with curriculum vitae, publications and other relevant documents;
•   Candidates should also include names, postal addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers of three (3) referees, who should be requested by the candidate to forward their confidential reports to the address below;
•   In addition, candidates applying for the position of a Librarian should send a brief statement of their vision for the University for Development Studies' Library and the strategies for achieving this in not more than two pages of A4 size paper.
•   Completed forms and necessary documents should be Sent to:

The Registrar
University for Development Studies
P.O. Box  TL 1350

Closing Date: 20 May, 2016