Job Summary
University of Cape Coast
Education / Training
Job Vacancy For Provost
The University of Cape Coast invites applications from experienced, results-oriented and highly motivated individuals for the position of Provost for the following Colleges which will become vacant on 1st August, 2016.
• College of Education Studies
• College of Humanities and Legal Studies
• College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences
• College of Distance Education (CODE)
• College of Health and Allied Sciences
Key Responsibilities:
• The Provost is the Academic and Administrative Head of the College and is responsible to the Vice-Chancellor for providing leadership to the College, maintaining and promoting the efficiency and good order of the College in accordance with policies and procedures prescribed by the University Law, 1992 (PNDCL 278) and Statutes and as may be determined from time to time by the University Council, the Academic Board and the College Board.
Tenure of Office:
• The appointment, which is full time, shall be for three (3) academic years and is renewable for a second term only renewable for a second term only
Conditions of Service:
• Salary and fringe benefits attached to the position are attractive and will be specifted in the letter of appointment.
Qualification Required & Experience
• Applicants must be internationally acclaimed scholars of professorial status.
• They must be individuals of stature and integrity with strong leadership, interpersonal and communication skills, capable of executing the responsibilities outlined above.
• They must also possess a terminal degree (PhD) in a relevant discipline with over ten (10) years working experience in a reputable university or related academic institution.
For applicants seeking appointment as Provost at the College of Distance Education (CODE), involvement in the management and administration of distance learning will be an advantage.
In the case of Provost at the College of Health and Allied Sciences, the applicants, must in addition:
• possess MBChB, MD, BDS and a terminal postgraduate degree e.g. PhD /EdD, or equivalent terminal degree in the clinical disclpttnes e.g. FGCP/FGCS/WACP/WACS/ FRCS/FRCP/FRCOG (or American Board Certification in the clinical disciplines)
• demonstrate evidence of leadership and service to the health professions and affiliated health institutions in roles that are germane to the full functioning of the College as a health professions education institution.
• have a strong regional and/or national reputation as an independent expert who has influenced the clinical field. He/she must have demonstrated innovation ill approaches to medical education, diagnosis, treatment or prevention of diseases, the development/ application of technology for clinical care and/or the development of novel models of care delivery that influence care at regional and/ or national level.
• be conversant with the Collegiate structure in the University system,
• Must have played a significant role in the curriculum of a medical school
All applicants must also show evidence of the following qualities:
• demonstrated capacity to manage a College
• ability to foster and promote good internal and external relations
• proven capacity to provide strong visionary leadership and innovation
• proven capacity to project the College locally and internationally through research, conferences and workshops
• proven ability to raise funds to support the activities of a College
(Applicants should be able to complete the first term of three years before reaching the retirement age of sixty (60) years)
Location: Cape Coast
How To Apply For The Job
• Interested applicants who meet the above criteria should please submit applications and comprehensive curriculum vitae, together with relevant supporting documents and a Three-Page Vision Statement to:
The Registrar
University of Cape Coast
Cape Coast
• Applicants should request three (3) referees to submit report on them directly to the above address
Closing Date: 30 June, 2016