Job Vacancy For Teaching Staffs (6 Positions)

Applications are invited from suitable candidates for appointments into teaching positions in the Tamale Technical University as follows:

Categories and qualifications

• Professor / Associate Professor: Applicants must have a terminal degree (PhD) in a relevant subject area and must have also attained the position of a Professor or Associate Professor from a recognized tertiary institution at the time of application
• Senior Lecturer: Applicants must have a terminal degree (PhD) in a relevant subject area and must have also attained the position of a Senior Lecturer from a recognized tertiary institution at the time of application
• Lecturer: Applicants must have a terminal degree (PhD) in a relevant subject area. Post-qualification experience in a Lecturer's grade from a recognized tertiary institution will be an added advantage.
• Assistant Lecturer: Applicants must have a research master's degree (M.Phil/ 2- year MSc./ 2-year M. Tech.) in a relevant subject area. Post-qualification experience in an Assistant Lecturer's grade from a recognized tertiary institution will be an added advantage.

II. Specific Subject Areas for Teaching Staff

Applicants for the teaching category must tailor their applications to the following specific subject areas:

• Industrial Art
• Civil Engineering
• Chemical Engineering
• Electrical and Electronic Engineering
• Mechanical Engineering (Welding and Fabrication)

Duties and Responsibilities

• Teaching
• curriculum development
• setting and marking of assignments and examination questions
• invigilation of examinations
• submitting of marked scripts and results
• supervision of students' project work, dissertation and theses
• offering academic counselling to students
• industry-related research, innovation and publication
• assisting in the administration of the department
• supervision of students' internships and industrial visits
• mentoring of junior colleagues
• extension work and/or service to the University and the nation
• any otier related duties assigned by the Vice-Chancellor or his/her representative

Location: Tamale

How To Apply For The Job

Applicants who meet the above requirements and want to apply should download application forms (Note: form A1 for teaching staff & form A2 for non-teaching staff) from the University's website (

Completed application forms together with application letters, CVs, certificate, transcripts, etc. should be sent to the email address: (submission of hard copies are not required).

All application letters should be addressed to:

The Ag. Interim Vice Chancellor
Tamale Technical University
P.o. Box 3 E/R

Closing Date: 27 May, 2019