Job Summary
NGO / International Agencies
Wa - Upper West Region
Job Vacancy For GIS and Remote Sensing Expert
GIZ Ghana is seeking to recruit GIS and Remote Sensing Expert.
The GIS Expert shall
• Ensure appropriate data collected and is always working with very current information
• Ensure data is always checked and easily accessible
Tasks & Description of the Assignment
The GIS expert will oversee the following tasks
• Download and customization of GIS/Remote sensing free-of-charge software (such as the QGIS suite)
• Collection and analysis of existing land cover / land use / crops / forest / vegetation / geology / minerals / hydrology / soils / irrigation / infrastructure / social maps and databases of the working area
• Collection and analysis of existing topographic maps or databases of the working area and creation of GIS basic layers at 1/50.000 scale (elevation, rivers, dams, boreholes, irrigation network, feeder roads, power lines, telecom masts, towns and villages, administrative limits, forest and protected areas, humid zones, regularly flooded areas, translucence corridors, firebreaks, basic service installations (Schools, health centres/posts, police stations) radio stations (and their signal strength and radius of coverage)
• Collection of free-of-charge satellite images at high and every resolution on internet (sentinel 2, Bing maps aerial, etc)
• Field surveys using data collection tools, identification of land cover and land use types
• Land cover / land use mapping, using visual photo-interpretation on screen
• Production of digital land cover maps at 1/50.000 scale at district level in shp and pdf format, field control, correction
• Assessment of these maps at district and community levels, corrections, final edition
• Production of land cover and land use statistics
• Collection of environmental data on internet (bush fires, floods, drought, rainfall)
• Production of quarterly, digital 1/200.000 maps for the monitoring of environment with bush fires, floods, drought, rainfall etc, events and climate prediction, in shp and pdf format
• Production of metadata in Geonetwork format
• Develop and implement a system of presenting all the maps to the planning divisions and to all relevant administrations within the working area, discussion on possible improvement
• Training of extension staff
• Drafting of quarterly working reports
Qualification Required & Experience
• Minimum of a Master of Science of Master of Philosophy in GIS, Geography, surveying or environmental science
• At least 5 years professional experience on GIS and mapping, minimum of 5 years practical and sound experience of QGIS and of at least one field data collection system
• Experience of visual photointerpretation on screen
• Good knowledge of the northern savannah regions and people, with Upper West Region will be a advantageous
Our Offer
Competitive GIZ salary grid, SSNIT, Health Insurance, as well as 13th Month salary and annual bonus
Location: Wa, Upper West Region
How To Apply For The Job
Interested and suitable applicants are to forward their applications with detailed curriculum vitae and a one - page cover letter to:
Under the job code 2019/EU REACH/12/02.
Closing Date: 14 January, 2020