Job Summary
Valley View University
Education / Training
Job Vacacy For Registrar At Valley View University
Registrar Wanted For Employment by Valley View University
The Registrar is the Chief Administrative Officer of the University, under the Vice Chancellor, and is responsible for the general administration of the University and providing the direction for the implementation of policies approved by the Academic Board, Welfare Services Board or the University Council
Tenure of Office:
Candidates are eligible to hold office for five (5) years, renewable for another five (5) years only
Conditions of Service:
Very attractive terms and conditions of service which shall be specified in the instrument of appointment
Qualification Required & Experience
Candidates, who should not be above 55 years, must possess a minimum of a Master's Degree with at least 12 years' post qualification working experience in a reputable tertiary educational institution or an analogous organisation. They must be Seventh-day Adventists of regular standing who possess dynamism and administrative acumen to be part of top management team that provides leadership in an academic, administrative, social, spiritual; and fiscal environment.
Besides they must possess:
• Ability to provide leadership in a Seventh-day Adventist higher education sector in the Ghanaian context;
• A sound knowledge and appreciation of emerging global trends in higher education;
• Excellent inter-personal relationship that will reflect in harmony among administrative staff;
• Innovative skills and ability to advise on the strategic direction of the university;
• Ability to initiate strategies to implement strategies goals;
• Ability to supervise the activities of senior administrative staff and motivate same for higher productivity
How To Apply For The Job
Interested candidates should submit a copy of their curriculum vitae, with qualifications, working experience, list of publications (if any) with dates etc
• Candidates should also send, in a maximum of three (3) pages of A4 paper in 1.5 line spacing using 'Times New Roman', a clear statement of their vision for the University and strategies for achieving it
• Candidates should request three (3) referees to send reports on them to the address indicated below
• The closing date for submission of application is 3rd July, 2012
Applications should be addressed to:
The Chairman
Search Committee for Registrar
Valley View University
P. O. Box AF 595
Adenta - Accra
Closing Date: 31th July, 2012