Job Summary
Local Government Service
Job Vacancy For Assistant Agricultural Officer
Office of the Head of the Local Government Service (OHLGS) is inviting applications from suitably qualified Ghanaians to fill vacancy position in the local Government Services(LGS) as follows:
Job Title: Assistant Agricultural Officer (AAO) REF: OGHLS/PO/002
Job Purpose:
• To assist in the effective delivery of agricultural services in the RCCs and MDDAs
The AAO shall report to the Head, Department of Agriculture.
Job Summary
• Assists in the implementation of agricultural programmes and policies.
• Collaborates with researchers; field officers and farmers to implement on-farm adaptive trials on new improved technologies.
• Writes and submits field reports to the DDAs and RDAs.
• Supervises field activities and monitors attitudes and work performance of field officers.
• Undertakes field demonstrations in partnership with the field officers to explain new technologies and practices to farmers.
• Undertakes any other tasks that may be assigned
Qualification Required & Experience
• Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture/Extension from recognized University or Agricultural College.
Location: Accra
How To Apply For The Job
• Applicants must complete the Public Service Commission form 2 (PSC 2) and attach their Curriculum Vitae (CV), copies of academic certificates and National Service Certificate where applicable.
• The Envelope should be marked with the relevant reference number of the advert.
• The completed application shall be submitted to the Office of the Head of the Local Government Service or to the postal address below:
The Head of Service
Office of the Head of the Local Government Service
P. O. Box MB396
Ministries, Accra
Closing Date: 10 August, 2018