Job Summary
St. Nicholas Seminary
Education / Training
Job Vacancy For Dean At St. Nicholas Seminary (Cape Coast)
THE GOVERNING COUNCIL of St. Nicholas Seminary, Cape Coast, announces the search for dynamic and business-oriented person with proven academic abilities to be appointed DEAN. The successful applicant shall be expected to assume duty by 1 JULY, 2014.
St. Nicholas Seminary (SNS) is a Provincial Seminary for the Church of the Province of West Africa (Anglican), fully accredited by the National Accreditation Board and is affiliated to the University of Cape Coast. The Seminary runs programmes in Diploma in Theology and Bachelor of Theology (awarded by the University of Cape Coast), the Seminary’s own Diploma in Ministry and Certificate In Ministry. Out of its high Church heritage and Benedictine tradition, the Seminary emphasizes the life of daily prayer and worship, work and study. It seeks to prepare its students as servants of Jesus Christ to equip the people of God for their vocation and ministry in the community.
The Dean is, under the direction of the Governing Council, but he is the Academic and Administrative Head as well as the Chief Disciplinary Officer of the Seminary.
He is also responsible for organizing and conducting the financial and administrative business of the Seminary in accordance with the Seminary’s statutes. He is also responsible for maintaining and promoting efficiency in the Seminary.
Qualification Required & Experience
• Must have a minimum of a Masters Degree in Theology.
• A PhD degree will be an added advantage.
• Must be an Anglican Priest with 10 years in the Holy orders.
• Must be a distinguished scholar with a capacity to motivate and direct staff.
• Must exhibit a high sense of vocation, leadership and organizational skills.
• Must possess excellent communication and inter-personal skills with capacity to manage and control crisis situation.
• Must be visionary, business-oriented and be able to establish rapport between Vocation and the Seminary.
• Must be sober, mature and with a drive for sound and impartial judgement. He should be above reproach
• Must be able to attract grants and funds for Research and Developmental activities for the Seminary
• Must show evidence of publications in relevant journal(s) and conference papers
• Must not be less than 45 years.
Location: Cape Coast
How To Apply For The Job
Applicants will hold office for a minimum of four (4) years in the first instance, renewable for a second term of 4 years.
The terms and conditions of office will be specified in the instrument of appointment.
Interested applicants should send two (2) copies of their curriculum vitae, with contact address, e-mail, fax, telephone number(s), qualifications, working experience, list of publications etc.
Applicants should submit, in a minimum of two (2) pages and a maximum of six (6) pages of A4 paper in double spacing type-written a succinct statement of their vision for St. Nicholas Seminary and strategies for achieving them.
Applications should be addressed to:
The Chairman
Search Committee for Dean
c/o The Registrar
St. Nicholas Seminary
P. O. Box A162
Cape Coast
Closing Date: 17 March, 2014
• Applicants should request three (3) referees to submit reports on them to the above address
• The closing date for the submission of applications is Monday, 17th March, 2014.
• Only short listed applicants will be contacted.