Job Vacancy For Dean At University of Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS) – (Ho, Volta Region)

DEANSHIPS in the University of Health and Allied Sciences will become vacant on AUGUST 1, 2014 and applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the positions in the following Schools:

•   The School of Public Health (located in Hohoe);
•   The School of Allied Health Science;
•   The School of Medicine
•   The School of Nursing and Midwifery;
•   The School of Basic and Biomedical Sciences.

University of Health and Allied Sciences is one of the newest public universities in Ghana. It was established by Act 828 of December 2011 to run degree and other programmes in health and allied sciences relevant to the health needs of the people of Ghana.

The University which is in its second year of operation has two campuses in Ho and Hohoe, both located in temporary faculties. The main campus including the administrative centre is located in Ho within the premises of the Regional Hospital, Ho. Construction of the of the first set of buildings for the University, the buildings for the School of Basic and Biomedical Sciences is currently on-going at the permanent site at Sokode Lokoe near Ho.

Location: Ho, Volta Region

How To Apply For The Job

Suitable candidates should send the 10 copies of each of the following

•   Completed Application Form (UAB 1): Application Form for Academic Staff (available at the University website):;
•   A detailed and up to date curriculum Vitae;
•   Names of three referees, one of whom should have served as

The Application and supporting documentation required should be sent to:

Registrar/Secretary to the Interim Council
University of Health and Allied Sciences
PMB 31

Closing Date: 31 March, 2014

•   Only candidates who satisfy the minimum requirements will be contacted