Job Vacancy For College Secretary

Job Summary

• The College of Education Is the Chief Administrative Officer of the College and the Head of the Office of the College Secretariat.
• He/she shall assist the Principal in the administration and management of the College.
• He/she is the Secretary to the College Council, all Committees of Council as well as all Statutory Committees of the College.
• It shall be the responsibility of the College Secretary to ensure the functioning of all Boards and Standing Committees of the College.

The Office of the College Secretary is in charge of all administrative, secretarial arid personnel matters of the College which include:

• Human resource management.
• Keeping and maintaining the Inventory of the college's assets.
• Management and development of the college's asset.
• Administration and organisation of admissions
• Organization of examinations and publications of results
• Organization of all official ceremonies including matriculation, congregation and convocation

Qualification Required & Experience

• Applicant must hold a good first degree and a postgraduate degree, preferably, in Administration and Management-related area.
• He/she must have served as a Deputy Secretary in a College of Education or comparable grade in a similar institution/organisation for at least 4 years.

Terms of Appointment:

• The College Secretary shall hold office for a term of four (4) years on first appointment and may, upon application by himself/herself, be eligible for re­appointment for a another term of four (4) years only, provided that no part of the second term enters the compulsory retirement age.

Location: Cape Coast

How To Apply For The Job

Interested persons applying for any of the above positions should attach the under-listed to their application letters.

• Seven (7) certified copies of updated Curriculum Vitae (C.V)
• Seven (7) certified copies of all relevant certificates (the originals shall be inspected at the interview of shortlisted candidates)
• Sealed letters of recommendation from two (2) referees
• Seven (7) copies of two-page type-written statement of how the performance of their roles would support the Principal to achieve the College's vision.

All applications for any of the positions should reach the address below riot later than 31st December, 2020.

The Chairman
The Search Committee
C/O The Dean,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Education
College of Education Studies
University of Cape Coast
Cape Coast

Closing Date: 31 December, 2020