Job Vacancy For Director of Works and Physical Development At Kwame Nkrumah University of Science (Kumasi)

The COUNCIL of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology invites Applications from suitably qualified persons for the position of DIRECTOR OF WORKS AND PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT of the University.

The Position:
The Director of Works and Physical Development is the Head of the Development Office of the University and responsible, for the development and maintenance of the physical and infrastructural facilities of the University.

The Director also provides oversight responsibility for the operations of the Estate Organisation of the University.

Terms of Appointment:

•  The Appointment is Full-time. Applicants shall be required to serve at least a minimum of FOUR YEARS, prior to attaining the Compulsory Statutory Retirement Age of Sixty (60)
•  The Salary and Conditions attached to the Post are very attractive

Qualification Required & Experience

The Person:

•  Must hold a Postgraduate Degree in the relevant area of Specialization and/or Professional Qualification with not less than 15 years post-qualification experience in the relevant field;
•  Must be a Registered and Practicing Member of the relevant Professional Body(ies);
•  Must have handled and completed various Project of considerable high magnitude and value;
•  Must have proven leadership and management capabilities to lead and coordinate the day-to-day administration of the Office;
•  Must have considerable degree of initiative in policy formulation and implementation; and possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills with good moral conduct and high sense of honesty and integrity
•  Must be proactive and have a strong background in industry to be able to contribute towards the implementation of the University's Corporate Strategic Plan; and
•  must have in-depth knowledge in the application of the Procurement Law

How To Apply For The Job

Interested candidates are requested to submit TEN (10) copies of Application and Curriculum Vitae with Names and Addresses of Three (3) Referees; and,

A 2-Page Statement of the Candidate's Vision as a Director of Works and Physical Development of the University and his role in the management and development of the University

under Registered Cover to reach the following Addresses not later than Friday, September 14, 2012:

The Registrar
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Private Mail Bag, University Post Office
KNUST, Kumasi


The Registrar
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
C/O The Office Manager
Universities of Ghana Overseas Office
Ghana Universities House
321 City Road
London, ECIV ILJ
United Kingdom

Closing Date: 14 September, 2012