Job Vacancy For Drivers At Ministry of Health

The Ministry of Health is Recruiting Qualified DRIVERS to be trained as Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) Drivers - in the National Ambulance Service.

•  The EMTs would work as Drivers in the Ambulances of the National Ambulance Service


•  Selected Applicants would go through intensive 12 Months Academic Training which involves: Physical Exercises, Foot Drills and Practical Attachments at Emergency and Trauma Centres at Selected Hospitals and Ambulance Stations

Qualification Required & Experience

Category of Personnel: Drivers (Both Male and Female)

Minimum Educational Qualification: Candidates must possess the following:

•  Ghanaian Driving Licence at least Category "C"
•  SSSCE, WASSCE, GCE, MVM, MVT Parts 1&2, OR Three (3) Years NVTI Certificate in a relevant course

General Information:

•  Age: Applicants must be between 21 and 35 years old (by end of 2013)
•  Be physically Fity by Para Military Standards
•  Clean Police Record
•  Willing to work at odd and long hours
•  Not allergic to Bloody and trauma situations
•  Be prepared and Ready to work in any part of the Country especially in Districts outside the Regional capitals

Location: Accra

How To Apply For The Job

Application letters must include detailed CVs, postal address & telephone numbers, Photocopies of - School Certificates, Birth Certificates and Driving Licences. Applications must be addressed to:

P. O. BOX M 44

Closing Date: 14 February 2013