West Africa Health Project: “Agir pour la Planification Familiale” Accra, Ghana
IntraHealth International, Inc. is currently accepting expressions of interest from potential candidates to serve in various roles as part of IntraHealth’s submission for the upcoming USAID-funded “Agir pour la Planification Familiale (AGIR-PF)” project covering a number of West African countries. We are particularly interested in qualified applicants to fill the above key role in Accra:
Qualification Required & Experience
• Master's Degree in social science especially gender studies, or relevant discipline, and 7 years of relevant professional experience in the field
• Strong interpersonal and communications skills in English and French, and experience of USAID-funded projects are required.
How To Apply For The Job
The position with IntraHealth International in Accra, Ghana, are pending upon award by USAID. They are outlined in more detail at:
For immediate consideration, please apply by sending your current CV (3 page maximum), as well as a completed Biodata form to:
Closing Date: 16 December, 2012
To find a Biodata form, please visit
IntraHealth International, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.