Job Vacancy For HIV/AIDS Coordinator

An International health non-governmental organization implementing USAID Focus Region Health Projects in Accra and other regions of Ghana is seeking qualified, motivated and experienced applicants to join its staff.

This is a donor funded project to strengthen access, quality and use of health services and improve the health systems supporting these services. The project works closely with Ghanaian health institutions as well as the private sector to support their activities while emphasizing building sustainable capacity at the health facility level.

Qualification Required & Experience

We are seeking candidates with the following skills and experience: HIV/AIDS Coordinator

•  At least 5 years experience working in HIV/AIDS sector, preferably with USAID funded projects.
•  Proficiency in operating with GHS and NACP.
•  Proven ability to manage HIV/AIDS program.
•  Strong oral and written communications capability.
•  Relevant graduate degree preferred.

How To Apply For The Job

Interested persons should send CVs in attachment to formal application letter by e-mail to:

Closing Date:  25th August, 2012