Job Vacancy For Librarian

The Governing Council of Takoradi Technical University announces for the information of the Academic Community and the General Public the executive search for qualified and enterprising persons for the position of: Librarian

The Position / Function

• The Librarian is the Head of the University Library and reports to the Vice-Chancellor in the management of the Library.
• He/She provides leadership in advancing the University's teaching, research and innovation mission through a clear vision of the library's role, comprehensive strategic planning, incorporating emerging technology, sound fiscal management and engagement of the all members of the University community

The Librarian shall among others perform the following functions:

• He/She is responsible for the provision of adequate, relevant and up-to-date reading and audio-visual materials to support teaching, learning, research, innovation and community service functions of the University
• He/She ensures the maintenance of a good environment for reading and learning in all libraries of the University
• He/She exercises professional and administrative supervision over staff of the University libraries and ensures the efficient and effective running of the libraries of the University
• He/She shall, in conjunction with the library committee, and subject to approval by the academic board, formulate policies for the maximum development and utilization of the libraries of the University
• He/She collaborate and maintain linkages with the relevant and appropriate institution libraries abd organisations within and outside the country in order to keep up with development trends and attain exposure to developed systems
• He/She shall perform any other official duties that may be assigned from time to time by the Vice-Chancellor

Qualification Required & Experience

He/She must:

• Possess a minimum of research Master's Degree in library of information science related studies. A PhD in Library Science or Studies is preferable
• Have served as a Deputy librarian in a University or comparable grade in a similar institution/organisation for at least 6 years

Terms of Appointments

• The terms and conditions of the appointment of the above positions shall be determined by the Governing Council of the University consistent with the Technical Universities, Act 2016 (Act 922) as amended and statutes of Takoradi Technical University
• The Salary and conditions of service attached to these positions are very attractive and comparable to those in analogous Universities in Ghana.

Tenure of Office

• Candidates must be able to hold office for a minimum of 4 years on first appointment and may, on application, be re-appointed for a further term of up to 4 years only if that is not beyoung the statutory retirement age of 60 years

Location: Takoradi

How To Apply For The Job

• Candidates are to submit 6 copies each of their application letter attached to their curriculum vitae including 3 reference reports, 2 from their current place of work
• Applicants are to include a short statement of not more than 4 pages (Times New Roman size 12 and 1.5 line spacing) outlining their vision and strategies for implementation
• Applications must be hand delivered in a sealed envelope to the Registry of the University and signed for or submitted using a registered postal mail to reach the address below as may be applicable:

Search Committee for Director of Internal Audit
c/o Office of the Registrar
Takoradi Technical University
P.O.Box 256

Or email to:

Closing Date: 23 June, 2020