Job Vacancy For National Project Co-ordinator At NetWorks Ghana

NetWorks Ghana is a USAID funded public health project managed by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The project manages and provides technical assistance for the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of a large malaria prevention and control programme. The programme encompasses LLIN  distribution, community mobilisation and behaviour change communication, advocacy and operations research. It provides support to the National Malaria Control Programs (NMCP) and its partners to develop efficient, comprehensive and multi-channel sustainable programmes for achieving and maintaining high ownership and use levels of LLINs. The project builds on previous successful investments and efforts achieved through a range of public, private,  campaign and routine approaches to net ownership and use.

Networks Ghana is led by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Communication Programs (JHU/CCP), with partners Malaria Consortium, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (SwissTPH), and Mennonite Economic and Development Associates (MEDA).

Description Of Job

NetWorks Ghana is looking for qualified personnel to fill the technical position. The successful candidates will be recruited by either Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health or Malaria Consortium as indicated below.

Reports to: Chief of Party (NetWorks Ghana)

Job Purpose:
To provide high quality technical leadership, co-ordination and support to a nationwide programme of sustaining high LLIN coverage and use.

Key roles and responsibilities:

•  Provide leadership and oversee strategy related to the distribution of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) through selected channels including the strengthening of a private/commercial sector
•  Provide the project, NMCP/MoH and partners with high quality technical advice and support related to LLIN continuous distribution
•  Support capacity development for the National Malaria Control Programme in LLIN continuous distributions:
Provide assistance to the NMCP for the development of National guidelines on LLIN continuous distribution planning and management
1)  Provide technical assistance to support planning and implementation of the LLIN distribution
2)  Work with the M&E team to provide support and technical advice to the NMCP to monitor and evaluate effectiveness of LLIN continuous distributions
•  Contribute to the development of behavioural change approaches at national and community levels to improve net use
•  Ensure that all project activities are technically sound and consistent with best practices and relevant to the specific malaria epidemiology of Ghana
•  Oversee training and orientation needs to assure quality improvement measures and the continuous monitoring of programme effectiveness
•  Co-ordinate with the NMCP and provide technical assistance in project related areas
•  Represent NetWorks at technical fora related to LLIN distribution and integrated vector control

Travel: Position will include frequent travels throughout Ghana

Qualification Required & Experience

Person Specification:

•  Holds at least a Master's degree in Health or Social Sciences or a related advanced degree relevant to the field of health, malaria or epidemiology
•  Significant experience in malaria prevention and control programmes especially in the distribution of LLINs
•  Possess substantial experience in designing, implementing and managing complex health projects in developing countries
•  Demonstrates strong management and technical experience
•  Has excellent written and oral communication and interpersonal skills
•  Is able to collaborate with a range of partners in a way that leads to technically sound and productive malaria control interventions
•  Experience with USAID and PMI initiatives is an advantage

How To Apply For The Job

Please send your CV and cover letter to:

Closing Date: 27 August, 2012