Job Summary
University of Education - Winneba
Education / Training
doctorate degree
Job Vacancy For Principal
The University of Education, Winneba announces for the information of the Academic community and the General Public that the position for Principal, College of Languages Education, Ajumako shall become vacant effective 1th October, 2020.
The Position
The Principal is the representative of the Vice-Chancellor at the college. S/he shall be responsible for providing leadership to the college and for maintaining and providing effeciency and good goverance of the college in accordance with policies and procedures prescribed by Act 672 and the statutes of the University of Education, Winneba.
The Person
Applicants seeking appointment as Principal must be:
• Of professional status or equivalent grade in an analogous institution
• a doctorate degree holder
• able to, in addition to being a distinguished scholar, demonstrate the capacity to motivate and direct staff
• Visionary business oriented and able to establish rapport between industry and the University
• Sober with maturity and drive for sound and impartial judgment
• Able to serve, at least a full Four-Year term of office before attaining the compulsory retiring age of sixty (60) years
Moreover, the applicant must:
• Exhibit a high sense of industry, leadership qualified and organisational skills and must be above reproach
• Possess excellent interpersonal communication skills and the capacity to manage and control crisis situation
• Demonstrate experience in having attracted grants and funds for research and development activities
Terms of Appointment
• The appointment, which is full-time, shall be for 4 years in the first instance and may be renewed for another term of 3 years. The successful applicant may opt to be a faculty member after serving the seven year term of office before attaining the statutory, retiring age of sixty (60) years
• Fringe benefits attached to the post are attractive
Location: Winneba
How To Apply For The Job
Interested applicants are requested to submit an application letter together with the following:
• 10 copies of curriculum vitae (CV), including names and addresses of 3 referees.
• Candidates should request the three named referees to submit reports on them directly to the address below and
• 10 copies of a three-page statement of applicant's vision for the college
Applications should be forwarded under registered cover marked "Application for Principal, College of Languages Education, Ajumako" to reach the following addresses to:
The Chairman
Search Committee for Principal
c/o the Registrar
University of Education,
P.O.Box 25
The Chairman
Search Committee for Principal
c/o The Office Manager
University of Ghana
Overseas Office
Ghana Universities
321 City Road
London Eciv ILJ, United Kingdom
Closing Date: 30 April, 2020