Job Summary
Strengthening Health Outcomes
NGO / International Agencies
Job Vacancy For Program Officer At Strengthening Health Outcomes
The Strengthening Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) project works globally to increase the role of the private sector in the sustainable provision and use of family planning/reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health and related information, products, and services. SHOPS builds upon decades of USAID support and leadership in private health sector programming with an emphasis on exploring and advancing private sector innovations.
Job Summary
Detailed Scope of Work:
• Participate in developing a training plan to reach a range of private sector health provides including: doctors, nurses, midwives, pharmacists, licensed chemical sellers (LCS), LCS counter assistants, and community-based sales agents/distributors
• Work with training partners to identify appropriate training venues, featured speakers and target providers. Participate in the development of a training module for pharmacists, dispensing technicians/technologists, counter medicine assistants, Licensed Chemical Sellers and their Shop assistants
• Work with pharmaceutical partners to ensure effective distribution of all needed health commodities such as zinc tablets, condoms, oral contraceptive, etc nationwide especially within the SHOPS target regions
• Work with mobile health technology experts and mobile phone companies to develop appropriate electronic messaging
• Coordinate community-level activities and sales efforts with sponsoring nongovernmental organizations and pharmaceutical partners
• Coordinate zinc promotion activities with other USAID/Ghana bilateral projects involved in child health service delivery in the public sector
• Work with communication partners in the development of a mass media campaign and interpersonal communication messages and materials
• Liaise with Ghana Health Service Family Health Division on all aspects of program implementation
• Monitor the work of research firms contracted to provide caregiver/household surveys, retail audits, provider surveys, focus group discussions, etc
• Conduct field visits to offer supportive supervision to trained health professionals under the SHOPS/Ghana program
• Collect sales data from pharmaceutical partners on a quarterly basis
• Any other duties assigned by your supervisor
Qualification Required & Experience
• University degree in a health related field
• At least 2 years of public health program management or implementation experience
• Thorough understanding of Ghana's health sector
• Previous experience working with USAID-funded projects a plus
How To Apply For The Job
Please submit Application to:
Closing Date: 23 November, 2012