Job Vacancy For Programme Officer – Operations Sector – Infrastructure and Sustainable Development At European Union

Description Of Job

Programme Officer - Operations Sector - Infrastructure and Sustainable Development
(Local Agent Group I) - REF. VAC 2012-01-ISD.

The Delegation of the European Union to Ghana seeks to recruit a well qualified, driven and motivated colleague to provide professional, technical, strategic and advisory support to our dynamic and international team of Development Program Managers.

Scope of Work:

•  The Candidate will advise on and manage, under the supervision of the Head of Infrastructure and Sustainable Development Section, the implementation of projects and programs of development assistance and of financial and technical co-operation with Ghana in the fields of Natural Resources, Environment and Rural Development
•  The Candidate will assist the Head of Section in co-ordinating the sub-section's activities, where required

Status: Full Time Local Agent
Duration: After successfully completing a probationary period of 6 months the applicant will be offered a contract of undetermined duration.

Qualification Required & Experience

•  Education/Experience - University Degree - Masters Degree or equivalent. At least 5 years experience in an organization (ministry, agency, NGO, CBO), dealing with issues related to Natural Resources, Environment and/or Rural Development. Experience of more than 5 years will be considered as an advantage
•  The Candidate must have a thorough knowledge of English. Practical knowledge of French will be considered an asset

The vacancy is open to all nationalities. Candidates will be recruited locally. Any non Ghanaian national must be in compliance with local law with regard to authorization to reside and work in Ghana.

How To Apply For The Job

Interested candidates should consult the Delegation's website: ( for a detailed job profile and the standard CV template.

The application: (letter of motivation + completed standard CV) must be clearly marked "VAC 2012-01-ISD" and be submitted in hard copy only no later than 12:00h (noon) local time, on Monday 3rd September, 2012. Late applications will not be considered.

Delegation of the European Union to Ghana
P. O. Box 9505
KIA, Accra

Or hand delivered (against acknowledgment of receipt) to:

The Round House 81 Cantonments Road, Accra

Closing Date: 03 September, 2012