Job Vacancy For Senior Associate Advisor Water, Sanitation and Hygiene At SNV Ghana

SNV is a Dutch Based International Development Organisation that provides Capacity Development Services to local institutions and organizations in more than 30 developing countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe.

Present in Ghana since 1992, SNV is committed to the reduction of poverty, and works to achieve this in line with national poverty reduction strategies.

Our strategic choices are Agriculture, Renewable energy and Water and sanitation (WASH).

SNV’s Regional Office for West and Central Africa (SNV WCA Office) is located in Ouagadougou.

Partnership & Resources Mobilization has become SNV’s main priority, this is to build up its financial capacities and diversify its funding sources. In this light SNV aims to strengthen its partnerships and mobilize resources at national, regional & international level.

Description Of Job

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation is dedicated to a society where all people enjoy the freedom to pursue their own development. It contributes to poverty alleviation through (1) increasing Production, Income and Employment (PIE) and (2) increasing access to Quality Basic Services (BASE).

SNV Ghana Country Sector Programmes provide a framework for delivery of capacity development services for impact. The programmes are aligned to Ghana’s national development priorities and targets and the SNV global strategy for the period 2007-2015 “Local Impact Global Presence”. The overall objective of the sector programmes is to work together with strategic partners to deliver comprehensive integrated packages of services to groups of clients.

In the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector, SNV Ghana aims to contribute towards an increased access to sustainable, equitable and affordable Water, Sanitation and Hygiene services particularly in rural and peri-urban communities of Ghana through the following strategic approaches and actions:

•  Establishment and facilitation of multi stakeholder platforms and processes
•  Enhancing sector coordination
•  Facilitating local/community led solutions and innovations
•  Strengthening sector governance and accountability mechanisms
•  Strengthening Public-Private Partnerships for enhanced sector effectiveness and efficiency,
•  Facilitating the use of results oriented approaches such as Performance Based Contracting
•  Capacity Development of public, private and civil society institutions/organisations
•  Knowledge brokering

As part of a team of WASH Advisors, the Senior Associate Advisor will be working at macro (national) and meso (districts and regions) levels.

Key responsibilities:
Capacity development services to WASH clients:

•  Take the lead role in sector studies to identify constraints and opportunities and to develop market-based solutions and approaches
•  Investigate and stimulate public-private and civil society partnership
•  Deliver advisory services as agreed upon with the clients in the assignment contracts, observing SNV’s quality standards
•  Conduct progress monitoring and assignment reviews with clients, and take an active role in impact studies

Positioning and general program support:

•  Ensure quality, visibility and up-scaling of SNV expertise in the country and to position SNV Ghana as a knowledgeable organisation with a clear profile and focus in the WASH sector
•  Maintain up-to-date information on sector developments through an on-going analysis of trends and issues
•  Provide policy input for positioning and profiling of SNV Ghana as well as for the direction of the WASH sector in Ghana
•  Proactively identify funding opportunities for the country WASH programme and develop proposals for funding

Multi stakeholder platforms and sector coordination:

•  Develop and maintain a professional network with stakeholders at the national level for mutual learning and scaling up
•  Facilitate sector coordination activities with other donors and (I)NGOs working on water supply and sanitation
•  Initiate strategic partnerships with actors for joint service delivery, knowledge development, and resource mobilisation purposes

Learning and team work:

•  Support the other WASH Advisors and their clients by providing support to and where necessary coaching the other (national and international) WASH Advisors to develop a strong WASH expertise team
•  Stimulate learning and sharing of best practices in the sector
•  Identify needs and coordinate with other expertise Advisors to create  flexible multi disciplinary advisory teams

Knowledge development, management and brokering:

•  Identify, present and publish best practices and lessons learned
•  Stimulate and create an enabling environment for knowledge sharing and learning within SNV but also between SNV, clients, and partners
•  Take the lead in action research on WASH approaches and techniques
•  Take an active role in national and international knowledge exchange networks

Qualification Required & Experience


•  Master’s Degree in social science, development studies or other relevant degree or experience in a related technical or management discipline (Water Resource/systems Management, Sanitary or Public Health Engineering or other relevant degree with specialisation in water supply, sanitation and hygiene service provision)

Specific knowledge for the position:

•  Comprehension of WASH approaches and concepts
•  Strong knowledge and experience in policy, planning and management issues related to the sector including WASH approaches and concepts
•  Knowledge of good governance practices, and approaches dealing with gender-sensitive, social inclusion and empowerment principles
•  Demonstrable high level of competence in training and advisory methods
•  Understanding and ability to use evidence-based approaches to capacity development
•  Knowledge of value chain development approaches


•  7-10 years of experience in WASH or WASH related service delivery
•  Professional work experience in developing countries
•  Experience in working in community-based water supply and sanitation program implementation
•  Experience with service delivery mechanisms, including financial management and cost recovery mechanisms
•  Experience in conducting sector analysis and reviews
•  Experience and working knowledge on the technical and social aspects related to operation and maintenance functions of water and sanitation schemes/facilities
•  Experience in advisory service delivery, facilitation and training with public sector actors
•  Experience in facilitating workshops, networking, building alliances and organisational and institutional change processes
•  Experience in knowledge development and management and able to publish articles
•  Readiness to work and frequently travel in rural areas with minimal amenities


•  Excellent communication, facilitation and reporting skills;
•  Strategic analytical skills for sector analysis and identification of market-based solutions and knowledge development
•  Survey, design, implementation, O&M and monitoring skills for the provision of rural water supply schemes and sanitation facilities
•  Pro-active attitude, active networking, lobbying and knowledge brokering skills with clients/partners;
•  Coaching skills (client staff and colleagues) and knowledge searching skills
•  Knowledge of value chain development and results/performance based contracting approaches

How To Apply For The Job

Please send a detailed copy of your most recent CV to :

The Human Resource Advisor,
SNV Ghana
P O BOX KIA 30284
Accra 6 Mankata close
Airport Residential Area, Accra.

Or drop it at our office at 6 Mankata close, airport residential area (behind NSS)

Tel: 0302-776198/775240.
Or Email: Also visit our website:

Closing Date: 17 September, 2012