Job Summary
Discovery Learning Alliance
NGO / International Agencies
Job Vacancy For Senior Technical Lead For Discovery Project
Key Responsibilities
• To guide and support country-level teacher trainer-coaching managers in their technical oversight and support of DP2 technical teams geared toward strengthening staff capacities and bringing about more consistent, higher levels of quality in their training, coaching and mentoring of teachers in project schools
• To distil and incorporate in DP2 approaches and investments over time - key project learning on what is working (and not) to advance teaching, learning and transition objectives, grounded in M&E data
• To share such learning and support the country director to engage regularly with partner government education offices in project areas with the aim of advancing local ownership and sustainability and over time, integrating successful interventions within the education system and
• More broadly, to work closely with the DLA's country and regional directors to share evidence of what works and to connect more visibly with national government, DFID and other education sector partners for cross-learning and joint efforts to advance shared aims at scale
Qualification Required & Experience
• Strong education and pedagogical background (classroom experience preferred) in areas such as effective teaching and learning of primary-level English and Mathematics, student-centered approaches, equity and inclusion, formative assessment and more
• Ability to marry knowledge and best practice internationally with local realities of education sector work in Africa, translating theory into practical and contextually appropriate guidance and support to DP2 country managers and field teams
• Significant work capturing and disseminating evidence of impact and learning (on what works) from education projects such as DP2
• Demonstrated experience worknig with Minsitries of Education and contributing to education policy dialogue and education sector review and planning processes
• Strong communications skills, including capacity to produce polished reports and PPT presentations
Location: Tamale
How To Apply For The Job
Candidates should send a letter of interest and CV to:
Closing Date: 01 February, 2019