Job Vacancy For Urban Programme Manager At Habitat for Humanity Ghana

Habitat for Humanity Ghana is a non profit christain housing organisation that seeks to put God's love into action by bringing people together to build homes, communities and hope. Habibat welcomes people of all races, religions and nationalities to work towards eliminating substandard housing and homelessness worldwide and making adequate, afforable shelter a matter of conscience and action. HFHG seeks experienced candidates to fill the following positions in the head office, Accra - Ghana.

Urban Programme Manager

Duties & Responsibilities

Reporting to the National Director, the urban programme manager is responsible for the strategic planning, design, monitoring, supporting implementation and evaluation urban housing projects. He/she will be responsible for supporting the development and growth of Habitat for humanity Ghana's urban initiatives with partner organisations, monitoring and evaluating of the urban initiatives and building the capacity of the national office and partners with rears to all matters relating to urban enabling programmes and housing value chain interventions. The emphasis of this program is around (a) scaled urban housing value chain initiative to increase access to decent, afforable housing and sustainble communities, (b) promotion of urban housing and settlement issues (c) direct community empowerment for housing related projects, and (d) advocacy work for responsible urban settlement governance.

Qualification / Experience

•  A Masters Degree in Urban Planning, Social Sciences, Economics or related discipline
•  A minimum of 7 years experience in poverty reduction programmes, specifically in urban poverty reduction of which at least 5 years are at senior management levels.
•  Experience in one or more of the following will be considered beneficial, microfinance, water and sanitation projects, low-cost housing, housing value chain interventions, training, urban projects and management of institutional project funding.
•  Good interpersonal skills, oral and written communication
•  Effective coordinator and team leader
•  Demonstrated ability to engage at the highest levels with donors and development agencies, government officials and UN Agencies.

How To Apply For The Job

For detailed job descriptions, please visit our website:-

Interested applicants should submit their CVs and motivational letters to:-

Closing Date: 12 September, 2012