Job Vacancy For Vice-Chancellor At University for Development Studies (UDS) – (Tamale)

UDS was established in 1992 as a community-based, practical-oriented and problem-solving institution. It is a Multi-campus University with campuses located at Tamale, Nyankpala, Navrongo and Wa. Other campuses may be established in future

Job Summary

The Council of the University for Development studies hereby announces that the post of Vice-Chancellor of the University for Development Studies (UDS) will be vacant by 1st October,2015

The vice-Chancellor is the academic and administrative head of the University and is accountable to Council.

•   The Vice-Chancellor is the chief disciplinary officer of the University and has authority over members of staff and the student body, subject to the statutes of the University.
•   The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for the promotion of quality higher education and research and the provision of academic and administrative leadership. He/she should be capable of meeting challenges posed by inadequate infrastructure and a phenomenal growth in student population.
•   The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for setting and implementing the agenda within the university’s broad strategic plans; initiating new directions in the academic development of the University; and protecting the Integrity of the University’s processes.
•   The Vice-Chancellor is the public face of the University and represents the university to the outside world, speaking for the university for Development Studies in the Counsel of Universities worldwide.

Terms of Appointment

The appointment will be for five (5) years. The University Council has the prerogative to renew the appointment for two (2) additional years only.

Conditions of service.

Salary and Fringe benefits attached to the post are very attractive.

Qualification Required & Experience

•   Must be a full professor
•   Must be of unblemished character and have a high degree of personal integrity.
•   Must be a distinguished scholar of International repute who can inspire, direct and motivate staff.
•   Must display clarity in vision.
•   Must have mature and sober judgement
•   Must   possess excellent inter-personal and communication skills, and must be a team player.
•   Must have good business sense, and the ability to manage high levels of resources to achieve set goals.
•   Must have exceptional fund raising abilities.
•   Must be able to complete a five-year team by age sixty (60).

Location: Accra

How To Apply For The Job

•   Interested candidates should send seven (7) copies of their curriculum vitae, with qualifications, working experience, list of publications with dates etc.
•   In addition, candidates should send, not more than two (2) pages of A4 papers, a brief statement of their vision for the University for Development Studies and the strategies for achieving this.
•   Candidates should submit the names and addresses of three (3) referees who should be requested to forward their confidential report to the addresses indicated below:

Applications should be addressed to:

Search Committee
University for Development Studies
P.O. Box  TL 1350
Tamale, Ghana.


Search Committee (Post of Vice-Chancellor)
University for development Studies
C/O the Overseas Representative
Universities of Ghana (Overseas Office) 321
City Road
London EC IV ILJ
United Kingdom

Closing Date: 15 July, 2015