Job Summary
NGO / International Agencies
Job Vacancy For Fund Management Facility to Support UNFPA/GoG Programme At UNFPA
UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, is the world's largest international source of funding for population and reproductive health programmes. UNFPA works with governments and non-governmental organizations in over 150 countries as the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, and every young person's potential is fulfilled. UNFPA assists countries to formulate population policies, programmes and strategies in support of sustainable development.
Job Summary
UNFPA is seeking the services of a Fund Management facility (FMF) to integrate/streamline programme management, implementation and funding under a single umbrella mechanism. This funding mechanism will be an important complement to UNDFPA's technical assistance and capacity development strategy and an alternative funding platform to:-
a) encourage innovation,
b) catalyze partnerships, and
c) to advance the organisation's mandate.
UNFPA invites Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from suitable organizations/institutionsto serve as a fund management facility. Following the assessment of the EOIs, UNFPA will invite short-listed applicants to submit a full-fledged proposal to operate as the Fund Management Facility.
The management facility will ensure effective management of UNFPA funding awards to government strategic partners civil society organisations to support programme implementation (advocacy/policy dialogue, knowledge management and capacity building) in the following areas:
• Maternal health including family planning, skilled delivery and prevention of obstetric fistula.
• Comprehensive sexuality education and referrals to Youth Friendly Services for out-of-school youth
• Community-based interventions to empower vulnerable adolescent girls (10-19) for the reduction of child marriage and teenage pregnancy rates
• Sexual and Gender Based Violence prevention and mitigation as entry points for and focus of Gender Equality promotion
• Domestication of SRH, MH, ASRH and gender-related national policies, programme strategies & plans, normative standards, and service delivery guidelines, protocols and tools for adoption and use at the sub-national levels
• Evidence-generation and strategic information dissemination on cutting edge issues relevant to our mandate
The selected organisation or institution will be responsible for administering and promoting the Fund for the above activities and for establishing procedures for awards disbursement, management and independent procces and impact assessment.
Role & Scope Of The Facility:
The focus of the FMF will be to provide efficient, timely and accurate methods for processing, managing, reviewing and awarding of UNFPA funding applications. The funding facility is intended to serve as a major avenue for the channelling of funds to the front-line civil society organisations and government organizations working in the country to address key neglected areas of sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights. All funding streams must be aligned to the organisation's corporate strategic plan and national priorities be of high quality, and conform to the eligilibility criteria
Key task of the Fund Management Facility include:
• Assisting in the formulation of the award proposal selection procedure and evaluation criteria to enhance efficiency and objectivity.
• Performing the preliminary screening of applications vis-a-vis the agreed mandatory criteria of eligibility of applicants and UNFPA focus areas
• Constituting and convening the Award Making Committee to oversee the award making, assess and evaluate award applications proposals
• Supporting implementing partners through the entire award process from applying for the award to implementation,monitoring, evaluation and risk mitigation
• Implementing UNFPA criteria and processes for use of UNFPA resources resources and effectively administering the funding facility in line with rules and regulations.
• Ensuring UNFPA application and reporting processes,
• Providing technical and managerial assistance as required and guidance to implementing partners
• Making funding decisions based on thoroughly documented procedures justifying the selection of awards allocations
• Disbursing and accounting for funds
• Drafting and submitting annual reports for use by UNFPA and/or submissions to donors
UNFPA will conduct yearly meetings with the funding facility and plan for the subsequent year. The facility will maintain a comprehensive database and financial records of all applications and awards and put in place arrangements for periodic external review of results and impact.
Where relevant, the FMF will put in place other measures as may be needed to manage any potential conflict of interest in order to maintain the profile and independence of the Fund to Support UNFPA/GoG Programme implementation.
Key guiding principles will be transparency in all aspects of operation of the Fund, a commitment to working with and supporting new partners, and, continuous learning and development.
The FMF will catalyze in an efficient and easily accessible way, technical support to the civil society organzations and the government strategic partners.This might include training on planning, management, and (financial) administration and facilitate opportunities for grantees to learn from each other
Qualification Required & Experience
Profile of Potential Bidders:
In order to be considered as a potential supplier, interested organisations/institutions should submit their Expression of Interest including the following information:
• Brief presentation of your organisation including number of staff, budget, years of operations, legal status (statute), approved or positive financial audit reports over the List three years
• Reference list demonstrating your qualifications for participating in this possible upcoming bidding process (see the qualifications above )
• Contact information including full name and address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address, website and contact person
• Clearly delineated roles and responsibilities in the case of a consortium of organisations bidding
Expected qualifications of supplier of services
• 5-10 years working in the areas listed above:
• 3-5 years (at minimum) hands-on experience in fund management
• Track record in working on key neglected areas such as violence against women and girls; sexual and reproductive health, maternal health and adolescent sexual and reproductive health
• 3-5 years (at minimum) of experience in promoting lesson learning through inter-organisational cooperation and capacity-strengthening efforts
Other Requirements:
• EOIs should include a Capability Statement, showing evidence of skills, knowledge and experience (grant management, advocacy, capacity strengthening and networking) in the key areas listed above
• Summary CVs of key personnel of no more than 2 pages maximum (per CV) should also be included in addition to the Capability Statement
Location: Accra
How To Apply For The Job
Interested institutions should submit a closed EOI and address the envelope clearly 'Fund Management Facility - Do not Open' and addressed to
The Representative
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
NO. 7, 7th Rangoon Close, Cantoments
P. O. Box 1423
Kindly contact or call 0302-746746 if you need further clarification.
Deadline for submission of application is 14days after the appearance of this advert
Following assessment of EOIs, UNFPA will invite at maximum five short-listed applicants to submit a proposal
It is anticipated that selection of the Fund Management Facility will be made by 15 December
Expressions of Interest (EOI) of no more than five pages should be submitted
Closing Date: 21 November, 2014