Job Summary
National Banking College
Education / Training
Job Vacancy For Librarian
Key Accountabilities
• Anticipating banking community needs and trends to ensure library services and resources are relevant and used
• Selecting, developing, cataloguing and classifying library resources
• Developing, implementing, evaluating and maintaining library strategies and policies in consultation with users and staff that fully reflect the training aims and objectives of the college
• Ensuring rostered circulation desk duties and assisting clients with self-serve technology
• Using automated information systems, databases and other technology for a range of processing and service tasks
• Providing direct services to on-site and off-site clients
• Keeping up-to-date with newly released publications of relevance to the Banking industry
• Managing stock, including the weeding out of old resources
• Maintaining an awareness of the legal and ethical considerations related to health and safety, data protection, copyright and the appropriate use of the internet
• Maintaining the relevance of the library policy
Qualification Required & Experience
• A good postgraduate degree in library and information studies
• A relevant professional qualification shall be an added advantage
• A member of the Ghana Librarian Association
• Must have held a management position for a minimum of 5 years
• Ability and experience in training, adult learning or facilitation
• A demonstrated exposure and passion for learning and development in the financial sector
Location: Accra
How To Apply For The Job
Interested applicants should submit the following:
• Application Letter
• Detailed CV with names of 2 referees
Applications are to be addressed to the:
Or the address below:
The Head, Human Resources
National Banking College
PMB, KIA, Accra
Closing Date: 09 April, 2018