Job Vacancy For Managing Director At National Media Commission


The Managing Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the New Times Corporation, and subject to such general directions as the Board may give, is responsible for overall leadership, co-ordination, guidance and supervision of work of the Corporation.


•   Be responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Corporation.
•   Advises the Board on corporate and operational policies and procedures.
•   Implements the decisions and policies of the Board.
•   Presents draft Annual Budget Estimates of the Corporation to the Board three (3) months before the end of the financial year, or as directed by the Board.
•   Presents draft annual work plan based on the approved budget not later than one month after the beginning of the financial year.
•   Submits to the Board a mid-year report on the implementation of the work plan.
•   Presents to the Board an annual report on the activities of the Corporation in the preceding year within three (3) months of the year.
•   Arranges for the books of accounts of the Corporation to be audited and ensures that the report is presented to the Board within three (3) months after the end of the financial year.
•   Ensures compliance with output requirements under the law in public service organizations.
•   Develops and maintains corporate culture that fosters cooperation, commitment, efficiency, accountability and productivity throughout the Corporation.
•   Any other duties/responsibilities that may be assigned by the Board from time to time.

Qualification Required & Experience

•   A good first degree or its equivalent from a recognized university.
•   A post-graduate diploma or Master’s degree in Mass Communication or related filed.
•   A minimum of fifteen (15) years post-qualification experience, five (5) years of which must have been in a senior Management position.


•   Administrative and supervisory
•   Computer literacy
•   Analytical
•   Business

Location: Accra

How To Apply For The Job

Interested and qualified applicants may apply, providing up-to-date detailed curriculum vitae, a contact postal address, telephone/fax number [if available] and two referees, both of whom can attest to applicant's professional competence:

P.O. BOX SD.114

Closing Date: 05 February, 2014