Job Summary
Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII)
NGO / International Agencies
Job Vacancy For National Project Coordinator At Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII)
Transparency International (Tl), the leading international NGO fighting corruption and the parent organisation of Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII) has launched a three-year Open Governance Project to maximise citizens’ effective use of open governance to advocate for and impact change. Gil is the Hub of this new project for Africa and is therefore seeking a suitable candidate for appointment as the National Project Coordinator. This is a three-year project and the appointment will expire with the project,
Duties and Responsibilities
• Responsible for the day-to-day management of the OG project including activities implementation, budget oversight, communications and advocacy
• Prepare an advocacy and communications plan consistent with the OG project strategic and programme objectives;
• Develop and disseminate advocacy materials and information on OG;
• Identify and maintain good relationships with key partners, including OGP piatforms and structures, NGOs, government agencies, and journalists;
• Update and maintain a dedicated website page and social media tools to promote information and public engagement;
• Obtain, understand, and effectively communicate and disseminate project results in a timely manner to the OG partners in Africa and beyond;
• Regularly compile content collected from progress made in different African countries involved in the OG project;
• Prepare quarterly progress reports on the implementation of project activities for submission to the Executive Director; Prepare proposals and undertake fundraising activities to ensure the sustainability of the OG project;
• Any other task assigned by the Executive Director in pursuit of the objectives of the OG Project in particular and GII in general.
Qualification Required & Experience
• At least 4 years’ experience in planning and implementing communications and advocacy work in an NGO environment;
• Clear understanding of transparency, accountability and governance issues in Ghanaian and African context;
• A Master’s degree in Communications studies or related field;
• Excellent communication and networking skills;
• Capable of working under pressure and against deadlines; Experience in programme management and advocacy;
• Computer literacy is a basic requirement;
• Fluency in English. Knowledge of French is an advantage.
Location: Accra
How To Apply For The Job
Interested persons should submit their applications with their current CVs for consideration not later than Tuesday, 31st December, 2013. Send your applications by post or courier to:
The Executive Director
Ghana Integrity Initiative
P.M.B, CT 317, Cantonments (by post)
House No. 21 Abelenkpe Road, Abelenkpe
(by courier or personal delivery)
Accra, Ghana.
Or by e-mail to:
Closing Date: 31 December, 2013