Job Vacancy For Vice Chancellor At University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR) – (Sunyani)

The University of Energy and Natural Resources, Sunyani, Ghana is a public-funded tertiary institution established by Act of Parliament, Act 830 (2011). The mission of the University is to promote the development of human resources and skills required to solve critical energy and natural resources challenges of society and undertake interdisciplinary academic, research, and outreach programmes in engineering, science, economics and environmental policy. The University operates a multi- campus system and currently runs the following Schools on the various campuses: Engineering, Science, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Technology and Graduate Studies.

The Position:

•   The Vice-Chancellor is the academic and administrative head of the University and is accountable to Council.
•   The Vice-Chancellor is the Chief disciplinary officer of the University and has authority over members of staff and the student body, subject to the statutes of the University.
•   The Vice-Chancellor  is  responsible  for the   promotion   of quality   higher education and research and the provision of academic and admtnistrative leadership.
•   He/She should be capable of meeting challenges posed by inadequate infrastructure and an institution in its early stages of growth.
•   The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for setting and implementing the agenda within the University's strategic plans; initiating new directions in the academic development of the University; and protecting the integrity of the University's processes.
•   The Vice-Chancellor is the public face of the University and represents the University to the outside world.

Terms of Appointment:

•   To be determined by the University Council consistent with the University's Act and Statutes
•   Salary and fringe benefits attached to the post are very attractive.

Qualification Required & Experience

The Person Must:

•   Be a full Professor
•   Be of unblemished character and have a high degree of personal integrity.
•   Be a distinguished scholar of international repute who can inspire, direct and motivate staff.
•   Have leadership qualities and must display creativity in vision.
•   Have mature and sober judgment.
•   Possess excellent inter-personal and communication skills, and must be a team player.
•   Have good business sense, and the ability to manage resources to achieve set goals.
•   Have exceptional fund raising abilities.
•   Be able to complete a four-year term before the compulsory retiring age

Location: Sunyani

How To Apply For The Job

Interested persons are to submit an application letter along with the following:

•   Curriculum Vitae, including names and addresses of three referees who can attest to the qualities sought.
•   A vision statement (in not less than two pages and not more than five pages, font size Times New Roman 12 and 1.5 line spacmg)outlining how the candidate would respond to the mission statement of the University during his/her tenure as Vice-Chancellor.
•   Applicants are advised to ask their referees to send their references direct to the Chairman of the Search Committee.

Applications should be forwarded under registered cover to reach the following address not later than 14th March 2015.

The Chairman,
Search Committee for Vice-chancellor,
University of Energy and Natural Resources,    
P. O. Box 214    
Sunyani, Ghana.    

An electronic version of the application should be addressed to:

Closing Date: 14 March, 2015

A copy of this announcement, together with a profile of the University of Energy and Natural Resources can be found at the University's website: